Trick 1:
- Start > Run
- Type 'shutdown -s -t 1800' without quotes
- Click OK
- A dialog will appear showing the countdown timer
Note: 1800 is the amount of time remaining before your computer shutdowns. 1800 is in seconds - 60sec * 30 min = 1800 sec. If you want to shutdown your desktop after 1 hour simply enter 3600 sec, as 60 sec * 60 min = 3600 sec.
How to cancel the shutdown timer ?
- Start > Run
- Type 'shutdown -a' without quotes
Trick 2:
- Right click on desktop, Go to New > Shortcut
- Type 'shutdown -s -t 1800' without quotes
- Click Next
- Type whatever you want to name the shortcut link.
- Click Finish.
- Now a shortcut is created in the desktop.
- Just double click it and your shutdown timer will start.
- You can customize the look of the shortcut.
- Right click on the shortcut icon, Go to Properties > Customize > Change Icon > Select any icon from the gallery > Click OK
Trick 3:
In this trick we will create a shutdown job by using the 'at' command, which is used to schedule task manually in windows.
In this trick we will create a shutdown job by using the 'at' command, which is used to schedule task manually in windows.
- Start > Run
- Type 'at 13:26 shutdown -s' without quotes, it will shutdown your computer at 13:26
- If you type 'at 13:26 shutdown -s -t 60', it will shutdown your computer after 60 sec from 13:26 hrs
- Click OK
How to view the list of jobs along with their attributes in your computer and how to abort the jobs ?
- Start > Run
- Type cmd
- Type 'at' without quotes. It will display the list of jobs in your computer.along with their Status ID, Time of execution, Command to be executed etc.
Now, if you want to cancel the shutdown job that we had created.
- Start > Run
- Type cmd
- Type 'at 1 /delete' without quotes. Here '1' represents Status ID of the job. I have already mentioned in the above paragraph how to view the Status ID of the job.