
It’s necessarily not about being confused, but it is about the right choice. Even in general life, we need opinion and suggestions for certain tasks, similarly what people even ask before buying a new Computer, a Laptop or a Desktop?

A Laptop is the right choice if:
  •    you possess high levels of mobility and keep moving to different parts of your house, city or the      country.
  • you don’t want your PC to be shared among your pals.
  • you live in a house small enough to hold you and the Desktop at the same time.
  • you have that hatred for wires, this and that!
  • you are happy with the ‘extra’ price you paid for the same features.
           A Desktop is instead better if:

  • you want to see a special area with your computer placed and all stuff around it with no movement.
  • you are cool enough to share your PC with friends, relatives and whosoever.
  • you love to constantly ‘upgrade’ your PC with new and techy parts.
  • you are not cool enough with the idea of paying ‘extra’ bucks just for mobility sake.
  • you think your UPS battery is enough in case of power-cuts.
Feb 19, 2011 | 0 comments | Labels: ,


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