Why would you want to waste your money paying for tune up software or visiting a computer shop if you can actually do the same thing yourself? Tuning up a PC isn’t an easy task. In fact, some software can do the tuning jobs for you but if you do it manually, you can have your computer better tuned up.
Like a home or a car, a computer need to be checked over, cleaned out, and tuned up at least once a year. It would be better if you do it once per month. Over time, computers get cluttered with unnecessary files that need cleaning out. If not properly and regularly maintained, the performance of all Microsoft Windows systems tend to degrade with the passage of time. This appears as the system taking more time to respond to a user’s actions like opening files, folders, surfing the Internet and other tasks. However, there are things you can do to speed up your computer. To be exact, you’ll have to remove everything that can cause crashes, slow speeds, freezing, and impact the overall health of your computer. Save your money and squeeze more speed out of your PC!
This article shows you 13 ultimate tips on how to give your slow PC a speed boost and also to keep your computer free of clutter.
1. Regular Maintenance
As time passes while you use your PC, everything stored in your computer data may become scattered. Bad sectors can be found; some files or folders may be missing. There’re 3 steps you have to take in order to fix these problems.
1. Defragment your hard disk
2. Perform Scandisk(chkdisk) for your hard disk
3. Run Disk Cleanup for your Windows
2. Disable Unnecessary Processes
When your PC starts, Windows loads lots of processes including some that you may not be aware of. Very often these are the processes required for Windows and security software such as anti-virus and firewall to function properly. Somtimes, however, processes of unnecessary programs can be running in the background, using up your computer resources and slow down your PC.
Hold the CTRL and ALT keys down and then press the DELETE key once. This brings up the Windows Task manger window which allows you to see at a glance all the programs currently running on your PC. The Applications tab will list programs such as Internet Explorer, Word and any folders you have open. Click to select a particular program and then click the End Task button to stop it.
To disable some programs from running themselve when you start your computer, check this tip: How To Disable Startup Programs In Windows XP and Vista (not much different for windows 7)
3. Remove Malicious Programs: Spywares, Adwares, Viruses and Worms
A spyware or a virus can be the largest reason of why your computer became so slow recently. Slowing down your PC is not the only thing a virus can do to you. There’re more such as stealing your private data, crash your windows, destroy your files and folders. You must take immediate action to remove all these computer threats.
The best way to do this is to install an Anti-Virus Program, perform a scan for your PC, delete all found threats, enable system security control offered by your anti-virus program and switch on your firewall.
For more security tips:
• What Is A Computer Virus? An Introduction To Computer Viruses
• How To Avoid Virus Infections?
• 3 Reasons Why You Need to Get Rid of Adware
• 5 Tips on How to Remove Adware From Your Computer
• Spyware Sucks – 8 Good Habits on How to Get Rid of Spyware
Optional tips:
• How To Disable or Enable Cookies
• Avoid Fake Security Warning From the Web
• Learn The Worst Computer Viruses Of All Time
4. Clean up your windows Registry
What is registry? In the Microsoft Windows operating systems beginning with Windows 95, the registry is a single place for keeping such information as what hardware is attached, what system options have been selected, how computer memory is set up, and what application programs are to be present when the operating system is started. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems.
To clean up registry for free, Read: Top 10 Free Registry Cleaner – How to Clean Registry
5. Physically clean up your PC
Yes, I know this sounds crazy but you just have to do this. As time passes, the inner part of your computer may clogged with dust. Dust can cause heat problem and eventually slow down your PC or in some serious case your hardware can be damaged. We recommend you to physically clean up your computer at least twice a year for best performance.
• 10 Simple Tips on How to Clean The Inside of a Computer
• How to Clean Laptop Fan
• PC Cleaning Tips – Computer Cleaning Tools
6. Setting up Virtual Memory
RAM is a place where an operating system, applications or programs in current use are stored so that they can be quickly reached by the PC’s processor. RAM is much more faster to be read or write compare to other storage devices such as a hard drive. Virtual memory is the memory created by using the hard disk to emulate RAM (random-access memory). It allows a computer to operate as if it had more memory than it actually does, but of course it’s not as fast as RAM.
To learn how to increase your PC Virtual Memory, read: Windows Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low? Learn How to Increase Virtual Memory
7. Remove Unwanted Programs
Some programs will run without your knowledge even if you don’t open the programs. These programs will therefore eat up your computer resources and slow down your PC. I’m sure there is a lot of software in your PC which is unnecessary, and has usually been installed and then forgotten about over time. It is good practice to clean your PC of unwanted programs regularly. This can be done easily.
• Windows XP: Go to Start, Control Panel, double click on Add or Remove Programs.
• Windows 7 or Vista: Go to Start, Control Panel, click on Uninstall a program.
• Scroll through the programs and look for those that you don’t use anymore. Click to select them and then click the Remove or Uninstall button to uninstall them.
8. Reduce the amount of disk space used
Reducing disk space used can let your PC retrieve and write data faster. This is somehow related to the uninstalling programs tip above. You can uninstall programs to free up some disk space. But some files or folders wouldn’t appear in the uninstall programs list such as photos, videos and notes. You’ll have to delete them manually. This might take you some time but it worth the result.
Hold the CTRL and ALT keys down and then press the DELETE key once. (Click on Start Task Manager if you’re using Vista or 7). Under Performance tab, if your CPU usage is at constant 100%, you’re facing one of the common problems caused by using excessive disk space. CPU running at constant 100% means that there’s no more free CPU resource you can use for other tasks. Your computer will therefore perform very slowly.
Read: CPU Usage 100% Problem and Solution
9. Reduce icons and shortcuts on your desktop
More icons means more time to load. If you do always play around with alt-tab or alt-esc, switching programs or going back to desktop, it might takes you lots of time to load if you have tons of icons on your desktop. It’s good practice to keep your desktop as clean as possible. Believe me, this trick does work.
10. Speed up your PC with Windows ReadyBoost
A trick that you would not like to miss. You can actually use your pendrive to give your PC an extra cache of memory to help increase speed by using the Windows ReadyBoost feature.
Read: How to Speed Up Your PC With Your Pendrive
11. Keep all Drivers up to date
Up to date drivers means your hardware runs at peak performance. Up to date drivers means more bugs have been fixed, and your system will have fewer crashes. Up to date drivers mean new features and configuration options are unlocked in your devices, particularly with video cards. To update your drivers, you’ll have to refer to the official website of each of your hardware and look for the related drivers.
Usually, we’ll keep our eye on the drivers for:
1. Graphic cards
2. Motherboard (chipset)
3. Sound Card
4. Network card
5. Keyboard and Mouse
6. Monitor
If you find updating drivers a frustrating and difficult process, you should give a try on Driver Robot. Driver Robot is a free utility that offers to scan your PC for incorrect and out-of-date drivers. It’s also a marketing ploy designed to upsell a $30 software package and subscription to a driver database.
Publisher Description: Would you like to automatically update your drivers? Driver Robot has the world’s largest driver database. Its fast scan is guaranteed to identify the right driver for your system. Download it now and get the latest official drivers for your PC.
12. Overclocking
Strongly not recommended. Overclocking is the process of running a computer component at a higher clock rate (more clock cycles per second) than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer, usually practiced by enthusiasts seeking an increase in the performance of their computers. Some purchase low-end computer components which they then overclock to higher clock rates, or overclock high-end components to attain levels of performance beyond the specified values. Others overclock outdated components to keep pace with new system requirements, rather than purchasing new hardware.
In short, overclock freaks tweak the clock rate of their hardware. Overclocking requires more electric power to run the particular hardware and causing its temperature to increase (depends on how much clock rate has been tweaked). The temperature is the key point. For example, to overclock a 2.5ghz processor to 3.0ghz, it might need to burn it up to 90 degree celcius or more which is not normal and definitely need to be cooled down. In this case, overclock freaks will install all the superb cooling devices to cool down their overclocked hardware.
If you’re still interested in burning up your hardware, google “overclock” and learn more about it.
13. Buying better hardware parts
Of course, if you can afford to buy new parts for your computer, it’s the best way to boost up your PC speed. But make sure you don’t waste your money on unnecessary hardware parts. You don’t have to buy the latest superb graphic card if you’re not a gamer. Only buy extra RAM if you’re to run many programs at a time. Only buy extra hard disk if you have tons of files needed to be stored. Gamers, programmers or designers should have a better processor and graphic card.
Like a home or a car, a computer need to be checked over, cleaned out, and tuned up at least once a year. It would be better if you do it once per month. Over time, computers get cluttered with unnecessary files that need cleaning out. If not properly and regularly maintained, the performance of all Microsoft Windows systems tend to degrade with the passage of time. This appears as the system taking more time to respond to a user’s actions like opening files, folders, surfing the Internet and other tasks. However, there are things you can do to speed up your computer. To be exact, you’ll have to remove everything that can cause crashes, slow speeds, freezing, and impact the overall health of your computer. Save your money and squeeze more speed out of your PC!
This article shows you 13 ultimate tips on how to give your slow PC a speed boost and also to keep your computer free of clutter.
1. Regular Maintenance
As time passes while you use your PC, everything stored in your computer data may become scattered. Bad sectors can be found; some files or folders may be missing. There’re 3 steps you have to take in order to fix these problems.
1. Defragment your hard disk
2. Perform Scandisk(chkdisk) for your hard disk
3. Run Disk Cleanup for your Windows
2. Disable Unnecessary Processes
When your PC starts, Windows loads lots of processes including some that you may not be aware of. Very often these are the processes required for Windows and security software such as anti-virus and firewall to function properly. Somtimes, however, processes of unnecessary programs can be running in the background, using up your computer resources and slow down your PC.
Hold the CTRL and ALT keys down and then press the DELETE key once. This brings up the Windows Task manger window which allows you to see at a glance all the programs currently running on your PC. The Applications tab will list programs such as Internet Explorer, Word and any folders you have open. Click to select a particular program and then click the End Task button to stop it.
To disable some programs from running themselve when you start your computer, check this tip: How To Disable Startup Programs In Windows XP and Vista (not much different for windows 7)
3. Remove Malicious Programs: Spywares, Adwares, Viruses and Worms
A spyware or a virus can be the largest reason of why your computer became so slow recently. Slowing down your PC is not the only thing a virus can do to you. There’re more such as stealing your private data, crash your windows, destroy your files and folders. You must take immediate action to remove all these computer threats.
The best way to do this is to install an Anti-Virus Program, perform a scan for your PC, delete all found threats, enable system security control offered by your anti-virus program and switch on your firewall.
For more security tips:
• What Is A Computer Virus? An Introduction To Computer Viruses
• How To Avoid Virus Infections?
• 3 Reasons Why You Need to Get Rid of Adware
• 5 Tips on How to Remove Adware From Your Computer
• Spyware Sucks – 8 Good Habits on How to Get Rid of Spyware
Optional tips:
• How To Disable or Enable Cookies
• Avoid Fake Security Warning From the Web
• Learn The Worst Computer Viruses Of All Time
4. Clean up your windows Registry
What is registry? In the Microsoft Windows operating systems beginning with Windows 95, the registry is a single place for keeping such information as what hardware is attached, what system options have been selected, how computer memory is set up, and what application programs are to be present when the operating system is started. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems.
To clean up registry for free, Read: Top 10 Free Registry Cleaner – How to Clean Registry
5. Physically clean up your PC
Yes, I know this sounds crazy but you just have to do this. As time passes, the inner part of your computer may clogged with dust. Dust can cause heat problem and eventually slow down your PC or in some serious case your hardware can be damaged. We recommend you to physically clean up your computer at least twice a year for best performance.
• 10 Simple Tips on How to Clean The Inside of a Computer
• How to Clean Laptop Fan
• PC Cleaning Tips – Computer Cleaning Tools
6. Setting up Virtual Memory
RAM is a place where an operating system, applications or programs in current use are stored so that they can be quickly reached by the PC’s processor. RAM is much more faster to be read or write compare to other storage devices such as a hard drive. Virtual memory is the memory created by using the hard disk to emulate RAM (random-access memory). It allows a computer to operate as if it had more memory than it actually does, but of course it’s not as fast as RAM.
To learn how to increase your PC Virtual Memory, read: Windows Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low? Learn How to Increase Virtual Memory
7. Remove Unwanted Programs
Some programs will run without your knowledge even if you don’t open the programs. These programs will therefore eat up your computer resources and slow down your PC. I’m sure there is a lot of software in your PC which is unnecessary, and has usually been installed and then forgotten about over time. It is good practice to clean your PC of unwanted programs regularly. This can be done easily.
• Windows XP: Go to Start, Control Panel, double click on Add or Remove Programs.
• Windows 7 or Vista: Go to Start, Control Panel, click on Uninstall a program.
• Scroll through the programs and look for those that you don’t use anymore. Click to select them and then click the Remove or Uninstall button to uninstall them.
8. Reduce the amount of disk space used
Reducing disk space used can let your PC retrieve and write data faster. This is somehow related to the uninstalling programs tip above. You can uninstall programs to free up some disk space. But some files or folders wouldn’t appear in the uninstall programs list such as photos, videos and notes. You’ll have to delete them manually. This might take you some time but it worth the result.
Hold the CTRL and ALT keys down and then press the DELETE key once. (Click on Start Task Manager if you’re using Vista or 7). Under Performance tab, if your CPU usage is at constant 100%, you’re facing one of the common problems caused by using excessive disk space. CPU running at constant 100% means that there’s no more free CPU resource you can use for other tasks. Your computer will therefore perform very slowly.
Read: CPU Usage 100% Problem and Solution
9. Reduce icons and shortcuts on your desktop
More icons means more time to load. If you do always play around with alt-tab or alt-esc, switching programs or going back to desktop, it might takes you lots of time to load if you have tons of icons on your desktop. It’s good practice to keep your desktop as clean as possible. Believe me, this trick does work.
10. Speed up your PC with Windows ReadyBoost
A trick that you would not like to miss. You can actually use your pendrive to give your PC an extra cache of memory to help increase speed by using the Windows ReadyBoost feature.
Read: How to Speed Up Your PC With Your Pendrive
11. Keep all Drivers up to date
Up to date drivers means your hardware runs at peak performance. Up to date drivers means more bugs have been fixed, and your system will have fewer crashes. Up to date drivers mean new features and configuration options are unlocked in your devices, particularly with video cards. To update your drivers, you’ll have to refer to the official website of each of your hardware and look for the related drivers.
Usually, we’ll keep our eye on the drivers for:
1. Graphic cards
2. Motherboard (chipset)
3. Sound Card
4. Network card
5. Keyboard and Mouse
6. Monitor
If you find updating drivers a frustrating and difficult process, you should give a try on Driver Robot. Driver Robot is a free utility that offers to scan your PC for incorrect and out-of-date drivers. It’s also a marketing ploy designed to upsell a $30 software package and subscription to a driver database.
Publisher Description: Would you like to automatically update your drivers? Driver Robot has the world’s largest driver database. Its fast scan is guaranteed to identify the right driver for your system. Download it now and get the latest official drivers for your PC.
12. Overclocking
Strongly not recommended. Overclocking is the process of running a computer component at a higher clock rate (more clock cycles per second) than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer, usually practiced by enthusiasts seeking an increase in the performance of their computers. Some purchase low-end computer components which they then overclock to higher clock rates, or overclock high-end components to attain levels of performance beyond the specified values. Others overclock outdated components to keep pace with new system requirements, rather than purchasing new hardware.
In short, overclock freaks tweak the clock rate of their hardware. Overclocking requires more electric power to run the particular hardware and causing its temperature to increase (depends on how much clock rate has been tweaked). The temperature is the key point. For example, to overclock a 2.5ghz processor to 3.0ghz, it might need to burn it up to 90 degree celcius or more which is not normal and definitely need to be cooled down. In this case, overclock freaks will install all the superb cooling devices to cool down their overclocked hardware.
If you’re still interested in burning up your hardware, google “overclock” and learn more about it.
13. Buying better hardware parts
Of course, if you can afford to buy new parts for your computer, it’s the best way to boost up your PC speed. But make sure you don’t waste your money on unnecessary hardware parts. You don’t have to buy the latest superb graphic card if you’re not a gamer. Only buy extra RAM if you’re to run many programs at a time. Only buy extra hard disk if you have tons of files needed to be stored. Gamers, programmers or designers should have a better processor and graphic card.