

Proposed indefinite strike from 13.07.2010 deferred

The Secretary, Posts had taken a meeting with staff side on 12.07.2010 to discuss the charter of demands at 11 am and the following are the outcome on the charter of demands.
1. There will be no closure of single handed post offices.
2. The demand of the staff side that the annual increments to the erstwhile GDS SPMs should be continued will be considered positively.
3. There is no policy decision of the department to outsource any of the postal services.
4. A separate meeting will be held on 15.07.2010 to discuss about the Mckinsey and the object of restructuring the services.
5. Another separate meeting with the staff side will be held about the technology proposals shortly to discuss the future expansion of technology.
6. There will be no violation of earlier agreement on status quo of RMS & MMS with 10000 mails. Any violation if brought to the Directorate’s notice it will be set aside.
7. The Departmental council & periodical meetings will be held regularly hereafter. Next meeting will be held in next month August 2010.
8. The demand of higher pay to TBOP &BCR for the earlier period will be considered along with the cadre review proposals.
9. There will be no harassment in Project Arrow offices. Furnishing wrong data’s and showing as delivered or redirected will not be allowed hereafter.
10. The demand of the staff side to assess the vacancies as per establishment strength and actual strength in all cadres will be considered and all Chief PMGs will be addressed and appraised to fill up all the vacant posts forthwith during video conferences personally by the Secretary (P).
11. A committee consisting four staff side representatives with DDG(P) & DDG (Est) will be constituted and the process of the proposals of cadre review for all cadres will be completed before the end of 2010.
12. Separate discussions will be made on the proposal of creation of Postmasters cadre also.
13. The welfare schemes to GDS like grant of pension, medical, the proposals were already cleared by the Postal Board and submitted to nodal ministries for approval. It will be expedited.
14. It was assured to reconsider the norms for cash handling to BPMs and also fix fresh norms to RPLI and NREGIS scheme shortly.
15. The proposal for higher pay to Driver with Grade pay of 2400 has been sent to the Ministry of Finance.
16. The revision of O.S.A rates will be made within one month.
17. Technology training to workshop staff will be provided.
18. The proposals for the grant of minimum pay as per the Sixth CPC to casual labourers have been submitted to Ministry of Finance for approval. It will be expedited. The demand of the staff side to grant revised GDS pay to GDS substitutes will be considered.
19. The issues related to postmen norms, delivery, beat etc will be discussed shortly and final decision will be taken before the end of October 2010. One committee will be constituted to sort out the issues.
20. The plea of the staff side to ignore benchmark for MACP has been accepted and the Secretary told the DDG to cause orders today itself. Another request to ignore the earlier declining of LSG promotions prior to the receipt of MACP orders will also be considered.
21. The proposal of the staff side to create System assistant instead of System administrator will be considered along with the cadre review proposals. The orders relating to road mileage allowance will be released shortly. The distribution of work & responsibility etc will be looked into along with the cadre review proposals.
22. The Recruitment Rules for Multi tasked staff will be finalized shortly. Our request to finalise the rules with no educational qualifications as if available to erstwhile Group D has been accepted.
23 The issues relating to Postal accounts like filling up of posts, amalgamation of Group C etc will be discussed further with DDG (PAF).
24. The suggestions of the Admin union about centralization of PLI claim at RO & CO will be considered. Further a separate meeting will be organized with their union to discuss about their issues.
25. Clarificatory orders will be issued soon providing officiating pay to the officials holding higher posts like HSG II & HSG I.
26. The issues of the postal Civil wing will be discussed separately.
After the meeting, the JCA met and decided to defer the proposed strike duly considering the positive approach of the Secretary in settlement of our genuine demands.

Jul 13, 2010 | 0 comments |


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